Welcome to the home of Hamburg Ultimate!

This is a short description for our English friends. This site is about our club: The Fischbees.

We play Ultimate Frisbee. A competitive but fair team sport played with a flying disc. For a short explanation see this Wikipedia description.

If you are a player and moved to Hamburg or want to try the sport feel free to contact us (info -at- fischbees.de).


We practice regularly. The current training times can be found in the calendar. A list of our training facilities can be found below. There are trainings for different groups of players:

  • "Anfänger-" and "Offenes Training"
    Training for everybody. If you are new in town or curious about the sport just come to the training and talk to the trainers.
  • "Team-Training"
    Training for our teams (Hardfisch (Open), Alsters (Mixed), ??? (Women). The teams are put together at season start.
  • "Junioren-Training"
    Training for juniors (U20). If you are interested just come to the training or write a mail to info -at- fischbees.de
  • "Uni-Training / Unikurs"
    Training at the university (Hochschulsport). Registration is required.

Because of weather conditions practice might be canceled. For short-dated information see the shoutbox to the right (German only).

Hard cleats are not allowed on most outdoor facilities. See details below.

Mailing list

Many news are published on a mailing list. The list is hosted by Google Groups. If you stay here for a longer time you should subscribe to the list. Just send an e-mail to fischbees-subscribe -at- googlegroups.com. Please write a short text about yourself so that we know who you are (e.g. you moved to Hamburg, spoke to somebody during training, etc...). You can post messages to the list when you have subscribed.

Join the club

In Hamburg there are two connected clubs about playing ultimate. If you stay longer and attend our trainings regularly please think about joining those clubs. Here is a short description:

If you join you will be registered with the German Frisbee club and may play nationals with us. You are also registered with two Hamburg sport clubs which offer some basic insurance. You are also supporting the ultimate scene in Hamburg as a whole and you are invited to our legendary Christmas party.

This club got us access to our training facilities. So if you attend the training regularly please join this club. Only the university training is organized and paid separately. If you only attend the university training you don't have to join this club.

Privacy clause
This is only necessary if you want to play official DFV-tournaments (German disc sports federation). If you want to participate in such tournaments fill out the form and give it to us when you sign up for the Fischbees. If you have questions, please ask us.

Eintritt Fischbees Privacy clause Eintritt SVP

Membership form for the club Fischbees
(30 Euro per year)

DFV privacy clause

(for official tournaments)
Membership form for the club SVP
(66 Euro per year)

Training facilities

Schanzenplatz / SVP-Platz (Outdoor)

Address: Sternschanze 4, 20357 Hamburg (map)

A soccer field equipped with showers, changing room, flood light and a small pub. There also is a smaller artificial turf beside but we don't use it.

Hard cleats are not allowed on this field! Please bring running shoes or rubber cleats instead. 

Memellandallee (Outdoor)

Address: Altona / Memellandallee (map)

A soccer field without light. Hard cleats are allowed. Showers and changing rooms can be used. 

TV Lokstedt / Sportpark Lokstedt (Outdoor)

Address: Döhrmtwiete, near NDR/Hagenbeck Zoo (map)

Natural grass, belonging to "TV Lokstedt". There are no showers and changing rooms available for us. Please use public transport or your bike, because there are only a few parking spots available.

"Große Wiese / Stadtpark" (Outdoor)


We sometimes train there during summer break or bad weather. There are no showers available.



Home turf of the American Football team "Pioneers". Sometimes we go there during summer when other fields are closed.

Carl-Cohn-Halle / CC-Halle (Indoor)

Address: Carl-Cohn-Str. 41, 22297 Hamburg (map)

Our indoor training takes place here during winter. The building's entry is marked with "Budo-Point". Pass the buildings until the end.

Haubachhalle / HB-Halle (Indoor)

Address: Haubachstr. 62, 22765 Hamburg (map)

Our indoor training takes place here during winter, too. It's near S-Holstenstraße and S-Altona.

Fitness-Halle Winterhude (Indoor)

Adress: Maria-Louisen-Straße 114, 22301 Hamburg (Map)

Fitness at the "Gelehrtenschule des Johanneums". Do not park your car inside, we don't have a key for the barrier. Using public transportation is recommended.

University / Uni-Kurs (Indoor, Outdoor)

Address: Turmweg 2, 20148 Hamburg (map)

At the university there are indoor and outdoor practices during the winter. During summer there are only outdoor practices, of course. The facility is equipped with a locker room, showers and flood light. The outdoor court has artificial turf. 

Hard cleats are not allowed on this field! Please bring running shoes or rubber cleats instead.

You need to register to participate. More info can be found here (German).


Mi, 12.02.2025 19:30
  Teamtraining Hardfisch/Seagulls (Schanzenplatz)
Fr, 14.02.2025 18:00
  Grundlagentraining (Schanzenplatz)
Di, 18.02.2025 18:00
  Jugendtraining Fischbees Next U17/U20 (Schanzenplatz)
Di, 18.02.2025 19:30
  Hamburg Alsters Mixed Teamtraining (Schanzenplatz)
Mi, 19.02.2025 19:30
  Teamtraining Hardfisch/Seagulls (Schanzenplatz)
Fr, 21.02.2025 18:00
  Grundlagentraining (Schanzenplatz)

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