Fuck fuck fuck shitty fuck...do it with a duck
First game against bad Raps was a good opportunity to put some daemons to bed. Last year we squandered a 5-0 lead. This year we again started with fire and speed, an early hand block (from Mr. Bennison, but he's too modest to write that in the report, ed./other author) put us up 3-0, unfortunately this didn’t last... again. Thewhole game was close and hard fought, however our focus and commitment on defence, along with lapses in communication probably let us down in the end. Half-time was taken 6-7 by those bad wraps (now also available from McD's), and despite a stronger second half neither team managed to force turnovers from the other, leading to sudden death at 12-12. Close but no cigar: they had the offense, and they converted the point. We'll have to wait another year to take out the children indoors. Final score, 13-12 Bad Wraps.
Shit mother fuck shit... (yes, actually worse than the first game)
Second game against the Isostars, and we began like kinder who need a nap after milk and cookies on their mother’s knee. Mmmm, what are those things up there??? Our heads were somewhere, but they weren't in the game, and they didn't seem to be attached to our necks and arms. Down 3-0, we actually started to play.A couple of good d’s got us within one, and from there we traded points for most of the game with Isostarshaving a constant 1-2 point lead going into the second half. Then, at 11-9, we finally managed to create some more defence by sticking them into a zone-for-three, and scored the next 3 points to finally lead 12-11. The Iso(lated)stars had the O, and scored the next point, putting us back at sudden death. We got the pull, brought it down the field, and then some Ninja jumped onto the field, raped Falk, and threw the disc away. We got the disk back, quick pass, another quick pass, and then some blond dumbass (the other author) threw the disc away. So, despite receiving the pull and two clear opportunities to close out with a win, we walked away from our second game with a 1 point loss. 13-12 Isostars.
What the fuck?!?!
Apparently milk cookies and a nap were exactly what was needed, as we dismantled Freiburg in the most appalling, or appealing, way. By 7-0 at half-time, it was apparent that they hadn’t come to fight, and despite a lapse at 9-0 the result of this one was never really in doubt. Final score 13-1 in about 15 minutes. Next up? Consistency? We'll see...
The Badene...(Oh, yeah, sorry Holger) The (other) Schwaben
The last game of the day was against more children, Cultimaters from Bönigheim. Don't misunderstand the term "children", as we're naturally using it in the Ultimate sense (i.e., they are what old washed-up players who resent, while watching their speed and resilience and realizing that those kids are far better at the sport than we were when we were that age, and who thus make us think about the very special place we heard about on Dante's visit "downstairs", and how we'll end up there if we don't finally grow up and get our emotions in check. The authors put their knives back down at this point, ed.). Man, there do seem to be a hell of a lot of people who know how to throw Frisbees down in that neck of the woods (Literally, woods, we checked, Ed.). A good, tough, even game. While we got the first break and took a slight lead at the start, it was eroded way by the Bönigheimer just before half time, and we took the break 7-6. Fortunately we received the pull after half, and then put our foot on the gas, and then on the throat, to reach game point at 12-8. Despite a bit of a bobble at the end and a number of walking wounded, we hobbled away with a 13-9 victory. Everything to play for tomorrow...
The Fat Lady, Ms. "Bjorn’s Mutti" sings for another year...
First up on Sunday were the Gummibärchen, a game we looked forward to winning on our drive for the first league. We love Haribo, you see, and we were excited about that sweet, juice-filled sugar high. However, we lined up on Sunday morning with 3 fewer players that we had the day before, and while the 7 remaining player fought for everything it wasn’t enough. It turns out though, that these are some wierd gluten-free "natural" bears that play with big hammers and make really strange cuts. Unfortunately, they just wouldn't listen to our calls of, "Hey, what the fuck are you going over there for, you're supposed to make cuts to the open space!" This was the first time we’d played against an effective end zone defence and lacked the patience to move the defenders around to find the holes to score points. Our other weakness was on the mark, where we let out too many easy passes on the break side. Unfortunately, it was more of a whimper to end our hopes rather than the roar we had hoped for... 13-6 rubbery natural gummies.
Fuck fuck fuck shitty fuck...do it with a goose, or, ‘the circle is now complete’
The last game against sexy divers turned out to still have everything to play for. The results of other games had gone our way, and a win could potentially put us back into the top three, and a shot at the first league for next year... unfortunately, we returned to old patterns of worse than average throws. Bad cutting options resulted in a very poor start, gifting easy turn overs and not putting the pressure back on the opposition, we might as well have gifted them care packages. We slowly improved though, and a late run of points gave us back a glimmer of hope, but it was too little too late. We went down 13-10.
Final placing was 6th out of 7. Despite losing to the teams that finished first and second by only one point, our consistency and ability to concentrate on the task at hand, oh wait, what were we saying, yeah, right, we mean the lack thereof: the lack of consistency and ability to concen...concentrate eventually cost us.
Fischbees 1 brought to you by: Benne, Falk, Oz, Mathais, Karsten, Tim, Torsten, Bjorne (broken but beautiful), Craig (broken by a kiwi (the fruit damn it!) to the achilles, by Achilles ironically) and Ole (condemned... oh, I mean confirmed.)